Rope Access

Rope Access Vs Scaffolding

Scaffolding can be very costly when compared to rope access, and the costs becomes greater the higher the scaffolding, the length of the contract and whether permits are needed. The higher the scaffolding required, the more time needed to set up and dismantle; this equates to a greater cost to yourselves, as the quote will need to compensate for the days that labour was needed.

Rope access allows for quick installation and dismantling in comparison to scaffolding, allowing for reduced costs and time spent on site whilst being, statistically speaking, the safest method of high-level access.

Scaffolding also most likely will require permits to set up if placed within a public area. Permits can become costly and take time to obtain, as opposed to rope access, which allows the technicians to set-up in a fraction of the time, saving costs and time to yourself.

If you would like to find out just how much cheaper CLM Access may be, please call us today for a quote.